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19 October, 2005 - 8:44 a.m.
my weekend.

We had fall break and I was terribly busy the whole time. I'm back though. Instead of sitting home and sleeping in like the rest of my companions, I went to the internship. After all, I only have 67.5 hours left of my 600. I really needed to get those two eight-hour days in. We're losing another counselor, but I don't know if I said that here already. Things are a bit muddled. Which makes SIX since May. And they lost two more at the group home that our facility runs. Way to go, Admin!

My weekend went well. I did not, after all, wind up climbing onto H2's roof and fixing it, as her ladder was too short. We did some gardening and cleaned her garage. I have plans to paint the inside of her house, as she has great angled walls that would look divine as accent walls. We'll see.

I met a boy. He makes me giggle. We'll see.

I did karaoke. I did GOOD karaoke, and I'm always the first to question and critique my talents. I plan to do it again. Maybe this time my first song of the night won't feel so awful and I won't shake so much. I hate that. Or maybe I should drink liquor instead of beer. I'll try switching drinks and see how that works out.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.