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06 April, 2006 - 8:12 p.m.
check it out: a real-time entry

my roommate went to the big city (new york, where else?) to meet her boyfriend, who is home on leave from iraq. they're going to tear the town up and then visit his family way across the company. i'm really glad for her right now... he's been gone seven months. i don't do well with separations, and i don't see myself ever dating a solier. especially after that whole fiasco early fall last year. *rolls eyes* i hate living in a military town.

the good news is that i'm still seeing that boy... the same one since late october. things are going well. however, if one more person tells me to marry him, someone's getting slapped. i KNOW he's great. you don't have to tell me. I KNOW. example... i checked my bank balance to find six dollars on tuesday and payday isn't until monday. he visited. after he left, i found money hidden under my cell phone. he's getting paid back, of course, but it was very sweet of him. made me blush.

the roommate left today... flying out in the morning and is staying closer to the airport tonight. i was correct in my prediction that i would clean the apartment as soon as she left. well, not the entire apartment. i cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed upstairs, took out trash, and started laundry. it seems to be a pattern. i noticed that i do it every time she goes away. not that the place is dirty, but i tend to get into cleaning cycles when people go away. which is why living by myself was good. but i like having her for a roommate (most of the time).

i don't know if i told you guys about the itchy blisters that keep popping up on my hands and wrists (and nowhere else). anyway, i'd assumed they were bites of some sort, but i've been getting them for months and i haven't gotten them anywhere else. the nurse at work said they're probably an allergy to something. i looked them up online and they look like some sort of allergic contact dermatitis. the bandaid brand spray for weepy rashes has done a hell of a job making them stop itching and reduce in size. i'd been using benadryl cream to no avail. i made a list of all the chemicals i touch on a regular or semi-regular basis and i think i've narrowed it down to the handsoap. or something. who the hell knows? i have to go to an allergist about my seasonal allergies (when my insurance kicks in on may 1... how exciting! health insurance after 4 years without!!) anyway, so i might as well include this crap in my list of complaints. all they'll do is a patch test anyway.

yeah, here i am wearing a suit every day (well, dress clothing. slacks and a button-down shirt most days) looking all professional, planning to sign up for a 403(b) account (similar to a 401-k, but for nonprofit organizations), getting health insurance.... you'd think i've sold out or something. but no. i was up sassing cops before breakfast. made my breakfast, hopped in the car (i eat on the way there), stopped at the gas station, waited for this guy in a polo shirt and khakhis to pay, but he stood there and i was all "you gonna go? i don't have time for this shit." and he laughed and indicated that i could go first. and he walked out without paying, which i thought was odd until i saw him take his coffee to the police car parked next to my car. and he hopped in and took off. lol. that's right. eat my 403b, bitches. (but i'm still happy about the health insurance.)

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.