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29 April, 2006 - 12:04 p.m.
remaining positive, mostly

still around and kicking. thanks for notes of concern. it's hockey playoffs and i'm wrapped up in that and work and other issues. went to our mandatory company staff retreat yesterday, all day outdoors, which i'm allergic to. i'd been planning since we found out about it that i would do karaoke at it, but by lunch my throat was sore and i couldn't breathe out of my nose.. that and the continual expulsion of gunk out of my throat... very unattractive. benedryl doesn't work any more.

i came home yesterday and had intended to go to this play out on the riverfront with my roommate and some friends, but wound up heading straight to bed... slept for something like 15 hours and woke up still feeling like crap. the good news is that i can breathe out of my nose again and that my health insurance starts on MONDAY! my first real health insurance in four years and i will finally be able to go see a doctor when i'm sick!!

as some of you know, i was forced to go to a crack-pot doctor at a medical college for an experimental surgery on my uterus a few years ago, so it will be nice to go to a real doctor to see whether or not i can have kids. to see whether or not the surgery got rid of my tumor, whether or not the scarring will prevent a fetus from attaching. whether or not i'll need follow-up procedures... and this time i'll get to have pain killers! (it wasn't an incision procedure, it was a dialation procedure... i won't go into the rest of it).

additionally, one day outdoors and it puts me in bed for a week, so i can finally see a specialist to find out what it is that i'm allergic to, and then maybe get some sort of medication that works, as none of the name-brands i've tried work any longer (over the counter AND prescription... from claratin to allegra to zyrtec). it would be nice to be able to go spend the day outside hiking or picnicking. it would be nice NOT to get four or five sinus infections a year.

so in my habit of trying to be positive... my insurance starts in two days. no matter how awful i feel today, i will be able to go see someone next time i'm sick.

also in the interest of being positive, some of you may know about our issues with the guy who lives in the apartment next door, with the continual noise and bass thumping through the wall and the threat by his friend and all that... we've been complaining since february, and they said he would be evicted march 14... well... finally. today, there's a moving truck outside. finally.

and in regards to hockey, i believe the devils will get the sweep today (goodbye rangers), and it's abotu fucking time philly started playing like they're in a professional league. i couldn't believe they were getting hammered by buffalo, but the last two games have been quite impressive. it's about damn time.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.