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22 April, 2006 - 4:35 p.m.
karma and sports rituals

i don't think i've had an adequate change to talk about just how mch i love hockey. i love post-olympic/all-star-game hockey the most. i mean, i love it all, but the games that are gearing up for playoffs just do something extra for me. Right now I'm listening to internet radio... my game isn't being televised because ESPN decided that the US Paintball championships were worth showing instead. ESPN hasn't shown hockey at all this season, not that I know of. I'm done with them. Fuck ESPN. Yeah. show poker. But don't show an actual sporting event.

My devils currently lead 6-1 with 5 seconds remaining. I, the good fan that I am, engaged in my typical sports rituals. I can't tell you what they are, because you may be a fan of an opposing team and you may use them against me. I will tell you that I'm also a preds fan, as I live in that area. season tickets and all that. i'm really psyched that we're in the playoffs.... both my teams are in the playoffs! the preds' regular season goaltender is out due to bloodclots. Prior to that, the backup goalie (chris mason) had a regular season record of 7-5-2. He's won the last 7 or so. He really was badass last night. I taped it on my dvd-r. but regarding my rituals... i was crocheting when the preds gained a lead... which meant that i had to continue to crochet for the duration of the game, lest they lose their lead.

i know a lot of people think sports rituals are stupid. but i think they're integral. i relate it to karma. and i've done my part for both my teams... and both teams have won their first games of the quarterfinals.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.