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27 September, 2005 - 12:31 p.m.
occasionally, there is good news.

Oh. I'd meant to say that everyone seems to be having sex toy parties except for me. You know, like a tupper-ware party with sex toys instead of tupper-ware. Unless you're into that. *shrug* H2 went to one this weekend and Jamie went to one yesterday and DAMMIT why can't I go to one? Come on, people, my toy broke over a year and a half ago and I haven't replaced it. I've been on analog instead of digital, which is nice, but a woman needs variety. So.. our most favorite bartender ever has invited us to one in October. Right after !!!payday!!! Sweet deal.

T and I are getting tickets to Voodoo. How fucking cool is that!?! I will finally get to see NIN, after 10 long years of waiting. And Billy fucking Idol!!! and the new york dolls and cake and better than ezra and cowboy mouth (i've seen the last three) and the flaming lips and i could keep going, but i'm getting a little too excited... and i'm in my office and i'm typing like i'm pounding out some deep dark strong piano music. heh. someone just poked her head in, concerned. that usually means i should stop.

27 September, 2005 - 12:15 p.m.
more of that damn 360. will it ever end?


(258) What is your fave possession? My computer. How I love thee, let me count the ways.
(259) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? A vibrator?
(260) How badly do you want it? Well, pretty badly.

(261) Have you ever seen The Exorcist? Yes. Many many times.
(262) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? I got it right off. Because the heading was misspelled and I had to correct it.
(263) That haunted you? An ex.
(263) (there are two #263s) You wanted to kill? An ex.
(264) That you laughed at? Tough one. Probably someone at the bar.
(265) That laughed at you? Friends. That�s what they�re there for.

(266) That turned you on? That guy. The one I�m all angsty about.
(267) You went shopping with? Probably T. Grocery shopping because it�s oh-so-glamorous.
(268) That broke your heart? An ex.
(269) To disappoint you? The prick I�m currently seeing. Sort of. As �friends�. Or something.
(270) To ask you out? I don�t remember the last time a guy literally asked me out, like on a date or something. Have I ever been on a date? No. I don�t think I have. I just get boyfriends. ::sigh::

(271) To make you cry? Yeah. Let�s go back to the �disappoint� guy.
(272) To brighten up your day? Same guy.
(273) That you thought about? Eminem. He was on tv when I read this question.
(274) You saw a movie with? C and H2. We saw �Kicking and Screaming�.
(275) You talked to on the phone? C.

(276) You talked to through IM/ICQ? I used yahoo. And it was Skeeter.
(278) (where is 277?)You saw? My roommate.
(279) You lost? Strange question.
(280) You went head over heels for? Yeah. An ex.

(281) You thought was completely N-U-T-Z? The entire population of Texas??
(282) You wanted to be? Lil Kim, but just for one day. And not while she's in prison.
(283) You told to fuck off? OOH good one. I can�t remember. I do this several times a day.
(284) You trusted? I think trust is a continual process, rather than a �last time I..� type thing.
(285) You turned down? Turned down what? My blankets? About an hour ago.

27 September, 2005 - 10:32 a.m.
it's not ridiculous; it's riCOCKulous.

And I wonder... why did she have a plate of chicken wings in her car in the first place?

And Britney getting money for the "birth video"?? Oh yeah. Like you'll get anything hot out of that. It was a CESAREAN, people. Not vaginal birth. Fucking idiots.

Props to Greenspan if he actually admitted that. I doubt that he did, because that would take balls. And he apparently has none.

And the government pisses me off by limiting suicide girls' content. WTF? I'd rant, but they said it best on the site.

26 September, 2005 - 11:38 a.m.
MORE 360


(222) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title? Yeah. It�s part of my intense fear of rejection.
(223) Do you remember your first love? Yes.
(224) Still love him/her? Only when I go back and read the 3� binder of notes he wrote me when I was 15.
(225) Do you consider love a mistake? No. I always learn something from the experience.

(226) What do you find romantic? Compassion and affection. Nothing like a good hug. What would I do for some of that?
(227) Turn-on? Sense of humor and a good personality. It�s true. Look at some of the guys I�ve dated.
(228) Turn-off? Lack of goals for the future.
(229) First kiss? Age 12 after a Yankees game.
where is 230?

(231) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Pretty weird. I would apologize and tell them I wasn�t interested. The I would cry later because I know how it hurts to be rejected.
(232) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going "blind"? Never been on a blind date.
(233) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? Who says it isn�t? That doesn�t mean I have the confidence to do it.
(235) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? Yes. Because personality, to me, is so fucking hot!!

(236) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking? Sometimes.
(237) What is best about the opposite sex? Penises! And guy smell. You know, that �just out of the shower� smell. I love that.
(238) What is the worst thing about the opposite sex? History tends to repeat itself.
(245) Do you read porn? Oh yeah.

(246) Read the articles? When I�m done with the pictures.
(247) Just the pics? I just answered that by answering the other one.
(248) What's the last present someone gave you? T copied me some cds.
(249) Are you in love? No. I have a crush on a guy that doesn�t deserve it.
(250) Do you consider your significant other hot? Not applicable.

(251) What would you do if you were walking down the street and saw some hot guy/girl standing on the sidewalk? Mumble �excuse me� as I try to get past them.
(252) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? Oh hell yeah.
(253) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do? Masturbate. Pee standing up. Try to have sex with a chick.
(254) What do you love most about the other gender? An addendum to the last time this reject asked me that: twinkly eyes. Crinkles (which may become wrinkles some day) around the eyes when they smile. Warm hands.
(255) What do you dislike most? What moron created this? How about them being insensitive pricks when my heart is breaking? How�s that for starters? Huh? Huh? I�m NOT bitter.

(256) What is one thing you understand least about the opposite sex? I, um, understand it. I just don�t like it.
(257) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? Facial expression?

26 September, 2005 - 11:32 a.m.
another rant against religion

Oh sweet jesus. More moronic antics from christians. Yes, let's believe what can't be proven and let's disbelieve tht which can be proven. And of course no one is going to raise their hand to say they disagree with you. Not only have they been raised to blindly accept whatever they're told, but do you really think teenagers are going to single themselves out in a group of their peers? No. I did like this quote, however, "A literal reading of the Bible not only reveals that God created people and dinosaurs the same day, Tooley said. It also says slavery is acceptable, as is the stoning to death of a woman who is not a virgin on her wedding night, he said." Stone me dead.

26 September, 2005 - 8:54 a.m.
what happened?

And it's my roommate's birthday. Happy birthday, T!

Ok, this article shoudn't have inspired giggles from within my office, but it did. I read this list of the 13 most unethical members of Congress and, in my head, heard a sportscaster announcing an all-star team and the players' statistics... "here comes Bill Frist, recently suspected of insider trading! he's followed down the court by Richard Pombo who may or may not have paid family members using campaign funds..." Ah. The joys of being alone in my head.

And you'd think the admin would get the picture. If we're donating millions of dollars to rebuild our own country and only raise $600 to rebuild this other country that we never wanted to go to in the first place.... maybe that gives you an idea about what to do with our policies, too. Shows you sort of where our interests lie.

Speaking of Iraq (an oh-so-pleasant topic around here), last night they showed the episode of Extreme Makeover Home Edition filmed in our town where they built this guy and his family a house. Guy lost his leg in Iraq and it was all sorts of touching and brought tears to my eyes and that's just what we needed to be watching last night with people we care about in Iraq right now. Thank you to the people around the country and around the world who protested the war this weekend. Fight your own battles, rich guys.

I've often thought that wars were unfair to the average person. I keep wondering why we don't make a pay-per-view special featuring world leaders in a no-holds-barred cage match. The money raised could go toward paying off various deficits. And then we'd bypass this whole "neener neener neener, my country (i.e. penis) is bigger/better than yours" deal. Winner would have bragging rights and choice of how that portion of history is written.

Speaking of being written, is anyone else excited about buried treasure being found on Crusoe Island? I'm up for some swashbuckling if you are.

More from the What the hell is wrong with Texas? files. And more from the if this happened at church, I would go files. Strangely, no alcohol related to either incident.

I'll be back later. Only two more hours left to go.

25 September, 2005 - 10:25 p.m.
weekend news rant

If it wasn't for John McCain, I don't think I would believe that Republicans had souls. Cut spending and waste BEFORE giving rich people tax breaks?? Revolutionary idea. Absolutely brilliant.

If you've been reading my 360 questionnaire, you'll get to the part about organized religion. Fucking christians. It's not the religion, you see. It's the people in charge of policy.

Oh. And here's an article about asexual couples, which I think is really cool. My problem is the opposite. I want to have sex all the time. Except not this weekend, strangely. No, I'm not having a period or anything. I am just plain worn out. I don't think my body would let me have sex.

I am surprised, however, that this guy has EVER had sex. Ever.

I'd sent an email rant to annanotbob about the american education system and I may post portions of that email here, especially regarding budget cuts year after year after year until schools can only afford to be open four days a week.

25 September, 2005 - 10:02 p.m.
the big 360 (part five)


(187) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? Yes.
(188) Who is your best friend? I get to only have one?
(189) Who's the one person that knows most about you? I think that different friends get different pieces of the picture.
(190) What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you? Watch out, he�s an asshole. And he�ll break your heart.

(191) Your favorite inside joke? Where to begin? Probably the motion of sliding an empty beer bottle over to me so that I could hypothetically break it over the table and cut someone. Never fails to make me smile.
(192) Thing you're picked on most about? I�m 25 years old. Who picks on me? No one.
(193) Who's your longest known friend? David. Known since the 4th grade.
(194) Newest? Probably C and H2. I met them both about two years ago.
(195) Shyest? We�re not shy.

(196) Funniest? We�re all funny.
(197) Sweetest? We�re all sweet.
(198) Closest? I live with T.
(199) Weirdest? I think I would hold that title, of the group.
(200) Smartest? T.

(201) Ditziest? H2.
(202) Friends you miss being close to the most? David and H2.
(203) Last person you talked to online? My boy skeeter in texas. Heh.
(204) Who do you talk to most online? Probably Dean.
(205) Who are you on the phone with most? My grandmother. I try to call her a couple times a week. And we talk for a long time.

(206) Who do you trust most? Myself.
(207) Who listens to your problems? People on the internet. And my friends.
(208) Who do you fight most with? Myself.
(209) Who's the nicest? They�re all nice. If they weren�t, they wouldn�t be friends.
(210) Who's the most outgoing? H2.

(211) Who's the best singer? Dunno.
(212) Who's on your shit-list? Men in general. But I love them so.
(213) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? Of course! What kind of raging hormonal woman would I be if I didn�t think about it? Can I just tell you not to do it? I�ve lost more friends that way�
(214) Who's your second family? My friends.
(215) Do you always feel understood? No. Who does?

(216) Who's the loudest friend? H2.
(217) Do you trust others easily? No.
(218) Who do you know the best? Heather. She�s my other half.
(219) Name one person in whose arms you feel safe: Is this a Lemonheads reference?
(220) Do your friends know you? God I hope so. I tell them everything.

(221) Friend that lives farthest away That would be my Heather. In Chicago.

25 September, 2005 - 5:46 p.m.
random thoughts

Happy birthday, David.

Ugh. I think I'm funned-out. Er. What I mean is that I had so much fun on Friday that yesterday was lame, even though I would totally have had a good time ordinarily. And today, I don't even feel like getting out of my pajamas. And so I probably won't. Maybe I'll get out of these pajamas and get into some clean ones. I just don't feel up to it.

We went out last night and sat there like blobs on the barstools. Normally, it would have been peppier. I know T didn't want to go and I eventually gave her my car keys so she could go home. H2 gave me a ride home. When I got home, I downloaded Lime*Wire... now I am lost in the joys of trading music with people. My roommate presented me with two cds that are labeled "Decades" (volumes one and two)... which I can't wait to listen to. I always wait with them until I am at my desk at the university. Nothing like breaking up that four hours of nothing. I try not to do too much reading on the internet over the weekend because I sit there in my office bored.... I've tried reading in there, because it would be ideal to read a book for four hours every day, but the lighting is odd and my chair is not comfortable enough to sit and read.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.