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10 October, 2005 - 9:24 a.m.
in the news...

Hey! something else the Bush administration is completely unprepared to deal with! Quick, let's panic! Won't that be fun!?

And I knew there was another use for underwires! Suffer silently, ladies. One day, it could save your life. (One day, it could also rupture your implant when it stabs right through your boob.)

And I am so bored with stories about teachers sleeping with their students. BORED. Positively bored. They need to come up with something more interesting, like chaining up students and treating them like S&M submissives or something. Whatever. I no longer care.

And this guy is a turd. Bitching because classes were cancelled for only Jewish holidays. You know what, it's about time the Jews got to observe their holidays! I mean, everyone gets off work for christian ones. If it wasn't for the Jews, we'd have no christians. I say, let's celebrate them all.

oh, and I love that the earthquake in pakistan gets a faster response from the government than the hurricane in Louisiana/Mississippi. LOVE it.

And Tony Danza is with me in my disdain for tom cruise. of course, his is partially due to moral issues and partly due to tom's statements about depression.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.