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13 October, 2005 - 8:54 a.m.
what shall i rant about today? how about religion!

I can't help but feel a little bit self-satisfied when that texas asshat's approval rating drops even more. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You know, like I've been right this whole time and people were too busy profiting off of September 11th and using it to manipulate each other... and now they see what I've always seen.

People should stop breeding. Especially after their 16th child. It's nice that they can afford it and all, but there are lots of children in this world who don't have good homes to love them. And check out the mullet on that mom!! Arkansas, indeed!

Speaking of rednecks and idiots, you know I've never seen snake-handling done at a church before? In spite of what this article says about it being mostly in TN and KY. Never seen it. Not even once!! But I do like that religion may have started as an evolutionary mechanism for understanding WHY things happen. Take that, creationists!!

And what the hell is wrong with people in Kansas??? This article really pissed me off. It's about people protesting at a soldier's funeral because they believe that god hates gays, so soldiers are getting killed. Explain that to me, please. I fail to see the relationship.

If being Fit Like Dick means that I have continual health problems related to my heart condition, I want nothing to do with it.

And wouldn't you know it! they're hiding a bill in a bill. So, if you vote against this bill, it's because you're a bad person. They're hiding a bill to reclassify some older movies as porn within another bill to reduce victimization of children. Very clever. I'm not falling for it.

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