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02 December, 2005 - 11:16 a.m.
help me with my tech support request, please

i'm pretty irritated that a question i sent to d-land tech support 59 days ago hasn't been answered. "still in the queue" it says. So i pose my question to you fellow d-landers:

I used to have weblog-style. Now i have regular. when i try to archive (all of the weblogs AND the new ones, doesn't matter which ones i pick), it does NOT create my "older1" page. it lets me click a whole lot of buttons and appears to move. i get a confirmation that my "older1" page has been successfully created.... but in reality it does not work. why is diaryland not letting me archive? i *want* to archive. i want to clean up my older entries page and make it more easy to navigate. for YOU.

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