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09 January, 2006 - 7:41 p.m.

I just lost an hour-long news entry. shit.

I remember I had a state-by state rundown of things. ok. hrm. I hate South Dakota for trying to enforce a mandatory guilt-trip on those seeking abortions. My own state actually has most of those laws, but provides a greater right to choose than the federal government does.

I hate Indiana, who last month wanted to ban any artificial insemination-type stuff if a woman is not married. Which basically means lesbians and me. This week, they want to ban abortions, even for incest and rape victims.

How about South Carolina? How fucked up is this?

Oh I do love this:  A whole day (the 34th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.) to blog about our reproductive  rights.


How fast did they get the data on fixing (and finding the causes of) an STD that only men get? Very fast. If this was women, it would still be waiting to get approved for research.

Oh Texas. They did something I liked! They refused to throw out the charges against Tom DeLay.

I am sad because Gretsky's gram died. His mom died a few weeks ago. I am available for grief counseling.

Bush says we can't flame, irritate, or harass people online unless we reveal our true identities to one another. Um. How will THAT be enforced? And I believe if someone comes to my website and reads me and gets irritated, well... they don't have to come back. But I'm not IMing them. Bush will tell his mommy. You wouldn't like Barbara when she's angry.

I got my hopes up today, but he'll be fine. Cheney hospitalized today.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.