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23 January, 2006 - 4:49 p.m.
movin on up...

another interview onh wednesday. finally. it's things like this that keep my grandmother appeased. not that she's rushing me into a job or anything, but she really enjoys getting updated and feeling proud of me. so. this one is a 75-person adolescent residential treatment center. ages 8-18. males and females. much more my speed than that other one.

i don't think i updated about the other interview... the one i got a second interview with back at the beginning of the month. they basically wanted to give me $25,500 a year to drive around 7 counties (i barely even know this town, let alone the surrounding area) in the middle of the night with no cell phone service and respond to calls about being homicidal/suicidal/on a psychotic break. the girl was snarky about the field of counseling (which is what i want to do with my life) and not too positive on her own job or company. i wanted to know why they had so many positions open. an honest question. there were a lot of warning signs that this job was not for me. they gave me the background check paperwork and an extended application, which i took home to fill out. you need a phd in paperwork to complete it. i had to have it notorized and i had to get all my addresses from the past 5 years. so it took me about 2 weeks to get it done, and then i had more questions about the other paperwork, which was the stuff for the tenncare provider database, and i left her a message saying that i had questions about the things i should check and she never called me back. that was a week ago. screw it, then.

so when my phone rang this morning, i was all excited. this IS actually counseling, not being a diagnosis/referral service and with a stable population of patients in the age group that i enjoy working with the most and it's only half an hour away from my house. the interview is 10am wednesday, which gives me today and tomorrow to get my nails filled, have my hair cut (it's been since november), and scope the place out so i get there on time. no problem.

i wrote a paper entry last night, but it requires action on my part in real life before i can post it here. you'll understand later.

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The information contained herein is mostly true, with details obscured to protect my real identity as a superhero. Facts have been interpreted through the filter of my mind and have been reframed and described in terms of my perspective.